360. How to Get Started Networking Now

collaboration facebook masterminds membership networking Oct 07, 2024
360. How to Get Started Networking Now

 Are you an entrepreneur eager to gain more time and financial freedom? If so, you’re in the right place! Welcome to a space where we explore strategies that are currently thriving for women entrepreneurs, and where we sprinkle a bit of pixie dust for fun. Today, I want to share how networking and community building have been pivotal in my journey to success.

Why Network and Build a Community?

Your network is indeed your net worth. It’s not only about gaining clients, but also about finding collaborators, mentors, and cheerleaders who support you. Building a solid network can introduce you to your next business bestie who might become your accountability buddy, or pave the way to new opportunities, be it events or new clients.

Strategies to Build Your Network

Be Present in Facebook Groups

Engage actively in niche Facebook groups. This is where you can find like-minded individuals, offer value, and establish yourself as an expert. Set aside a maximum of 15 minutes a day to interact, using a strategic plan that might include a spreadsheet to track group participation. Have you joined my free Facebook community? That would be a great place to network with other women entrepreneurs!

Participate in Virtual Summits and Bundles

Join summits and bundles that align with your business goals. While hosting is rewarding, start by participating to build relationships and gain exposure. Engage actively to maximize benefits.

Join Masterminds and Memberships

Investing in these communities not only gives you access to mentors and resources but also to a network of entrepreneurs who are at the same stage as you. Choose groups where you feel comfortable and supported. Have you checked out my membership and mastermind?

Engage in In-Person Networking

Seek out networking events tailored for entrepreneurs or women. Consider joining women's groups or coworking spaces to meet like-minded individuals. Use platforms like Eventbrite or Meetup to find local events.

Join Online Networking Events

Stay on the lookout for online networking opportunities hosted by coaches or podcasters. Actively participate and make new connections. I’ll be hosting a themed networking event soon, so stay tuned!

Leverage In-Person Events

Attending events in-person can strengthen your connections. These events often have dedicated Facebook groups to facilitate ongoing collaboration. Seize the opportunity to meet fellow entrepreneurs face-to-face.

Be a Guest on Podcasts

Being a podcast guest connects you with global audiences, allows you to establish authority, and builds relationships with fellow entrepreneurs. Embrace the informality and let it be an avenue to network effectively. There are lots of Facebook groups for podcast guesting...just search and see what you can find!

Explore LinkedIn and Threads

If traditional social platforms aren’t yielding results, give LinkedIn or Threads a try. These platforms offer unique opportunities to engage with potential clients and collaborators. Find me on both platforms and say hi if you haven't yet! LinkedIn

Build Genuine Relationships

Engage authentically without immediately pushing for a sale. Long-term relationships often evolve into business opportunities over time. Comment, participate, and contribute thoughtfully to others' content.

Creating and maintaining a strong network requires strategic planning and consistent engagement. While saying yes to collaboration opportunities is crucial, ensure you don’t overwhelm yourself. Prioritize genuine connections and remember, it's perfectly okay to decline an opportunity if it doesn't fit your current goals. I hope these strategies inspire you to actively build your network and community. Let’s continue this journey together, creating and owning our magic. If you’re intrigued by these strategies, consider joining one of my programs or events designed to support and elevate you on this path. Go out there and spread your magic, my dear friend. Until next time!

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