[INTERVIEW] Mastering the Art of Communicating as a Women Entrepreneur, feat. Amrita Rose

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Podcast cover of episode 244 of the Purpose and Pixie Dust Podcast: [INTERVIEW] Mastering the Art of Communicating as a Women Entrepreneur, feat. Amrita Rose

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Hey girl, welcome to the Purpose and Pixie Dust podcast, the podcast where we dive deep into our passions, our purpose and really unlock our potential with some pixie dust thrown in. What is pixie dust you might ask, it's the fun and joy that gets unlocked when you're creating and owning your magic. I'm Lindsay, Dollinger dog, mama, Disney lover and high school Spanish teacher who has used my magic to grow businesses while also working full time. I'm on a mission to help other women create and own your magic by building not only the business of your dreams, but also the life of your dreams while still juggling life, your full time job and all the things. So if you want more than this provincial life, let's use our glass slippers to break those glass ceilings and Sprinkle lots of pixie dust into our lives and businesses. Let's do this.

Alright, Hello everyone. Welcome to a live um purpose and pixie dust. Oh my gosh, I can't even remember the name of my podcast, purpose and pixie dust podcast. I am so excited to have a special guest on the show today. Her name is um Rita Rose and I'm rita please just share like who you are, what you're all about. Tell us a little bit about, you know, your back journey so we can learn all the things.

Yeah, first of all, thank you for having me on, I've been following your podcast and I'm super excited to be a guest because you talked to so many cool people and you just have such a wide range of the depth of conversation with everybody. So I was really looking forward to this at the end of my day today, so we're excited to talk to you. Yeah, so I'm I'm Amrita Rose and I'm a life coach and career coach and akashic worker and wisdom worker, and that means I work um not only with posit of psychology, but also with akashic energy field, so there's a lot of pixie dust that goes into the work I do as well as a lot of um, you know, like quantum physics and positive psychology, so it's kind of great mix and I'm located out in colorado, but I work with people um over the phone and over video, so anywhere in the country and really just helping people figure out, you know, if they are stuck in life or they've lost the thread and they feel like, you know, I used to know exactly where I was aiming in my life and I knew where I was going in my career, and now I seem to have, like, disappeared somehow, helping people find that again. So that's what I do.

You will have a never ending flow of clients to you, that your, your niche, right?

Yeah, that, and and you know, there's, I mean, as humans, we're always growing, we're always changing, we're always trying to become something else and something more than what we are now, reconnecting with ourselves, I think more deeply every time. So, um yeah, so it's a purple, purple, wow, my language is gone, it's day Mercury just got out of retrograde adjusting, thank goodness, thank goodness.

Okay, so how did you get started in that? Because I feel like that's that, or have you always wanted to do that? Like I feel like a little girl and probably wasn't like this is what I'm gonna do right now.

I wanted to be an architect, it's really funny. Um but uh but So I started out in academia, I was a photography and digital imaging teacher and teaching criticism and theory, and I've also been teaching um eastern forms of yoga and meditation for about 27 years now, I hate to admit how long and I was trying, I was at that point where I was like, okay, when I was 103 I was like, okay, what do I want to do next? Because I don't really want to keep doing these things, and a friend sat me down and said hello, Everything you've ever done is teach people how to see the world in a different way, Why don't you become a life coach? And that's literally how it started. Um And so, you know, I really got that's how I was like, oh you're right, literally figuratively, I'm all about teaching people new perspectives, the options they have, the choices they have, and I always feel like a really proud parent when I'm working with people, so um yes, so that was then I got trained and I've gotten several certifications and positive psychology and and coaching and present space coaching and somatic coaching and energy healing work because I also love learning. So I try and instill that in my clients. So yeah, so it's been a 14 year journey as a coach and guide. I love the word guide. I, that feels to me more like what I do because I've, I've been on the path, I've made some really dumb mistakes. I've lived in my car, gone through a divorce, still my my ex husband is still one of my best friends though, so we navigated that really well, but but that's really, you know, it's about learning. I mean I'm 58 now, so it's like, okay, so let me handsome wisdom off to anybody who's not been through this stuff absolutely well. And, and I feel as though almost everyone that I've talked to, it's just like this journey and I love that because that's actually one of the things I say a lot in this in this podcast is like, I'm not necessarily like all the way there and know all the answers, but I'm taking you on this journey with you or with me and I'm going to share everything that I learned along the way because we're like you said, we're humans, we're naturally pivoting and growing and evolving and I think that's so cool that your friend was like, I think it's really obvious that you and you're like, oh duh! Yeah, it was a real moment for sure. I was like, oh you're so right. And then so talk about, you know the way the universe supports us? Um literally that end of that week I got a call from a colleague at Kripalu Yoga center who said, hey, I'm running my final coach training for certification. I want you in the room, would you come do the program? I will, you don't have to pay for it, but I will certify you if you promise to be here for six months. And I said, yeah, sure. So that was how, and I felt I was just in love with it because it's all the, it's all the things I've um really Wanted to learn how to bring together and now I've gotten to do it for 14 years and I just wrote a book which I'm super excited about the book. So it is called no plaid suits how not to have a boring normal life. And it's, and I love the cover, the guy who did the cover atmosphere press put it out and the people there are fantastic. So I always give a big shout out to them because they cover design and they were fantastic. Um but it's a series of essays and it's really all these quick essays that you can read very practical because I'm very practical about everything from how to cook when you feel like you have no food to how to deal with grief, how to end any relationship, how to feel more confident. And then things like um you know, like one of the things I was talking about earlier with somebody this morning over coffee was one of the essays I wrote was about how being generous is completely selfish. And she's like, what do you mean by that? And and I said, well, you know, when we're truly generous, like when we agreed to do something out of a sense of obligation, the other person always feels that and you know, we have that energetic understanding of like, oh yeah, this person said yes, but they don't really want to be here and we're also not being very generous to ourselves when we over commit ourselves or we say yes, you know something that as business owners, especially women, business owners, I think we're so in the habit of, okay, we have to say yes to everything, we have to agree and we, we put ourselves forth down the list. Right? And so this idea of when we choose to say yes to a task or to helping someone out or to even to working with a client, we also need to be aware of what are we respecting in our own boundaries, our own time, our own schedules, our own worth. And so when we're really generous with the other person and ourself, for instance, if somebody says, hey, can you help me out for this week if I'm really busy and I say yes, there's always gonna be this weird, energetic feeling and I'm gonna feel resentful and so and they're going to feel it, but if I say, you know, my week is really busy, but I would love to help you for these two hours And then I show up, I'm 100% present and I know that I'm also being respectful of what I need for my business and for my life. And so that's where that generosity goes both ways. So there's one example of one of the things in the powerful and I love, I love how like technical that is like that's such a quick fix that we can do. And it just completely shifts the energy. And it's really about being, you know, respectful of ourselves as women business owners and, and, you know, women in in general, like we have, you know, whether we're cis gendered or not any, any female and you know, I never know these days which term I'm supposed to do so if I step on toes, I really apologize, but as, as women, whether we're sous gendered or you know, we've come to this way of being in the world, we're always told that were not enough, we're always told that we have to be more passive or more careful or we have to pitch our voices higher, so we sound a little less frightening. And and all of these things undermine the confidence that we have in ourselves in our business. And it also undermines the way we can show up in the world and really um what's the word I'm looking for? Um Really? Uh uh oh man, I'm saying I'm saying glitter, like I'm like about like how to spread glitter, but really how to be enthusiastic about what we're creating and to and to allow other women to do that too. Because when we do that and everybody, we all get a lot more right? Oh my gosh, I love that. Okay, so everyone needs to go grab this book because that's just one tidbit and I'm sure since it's a collection of essays, there are so many more in there. Um so we'll be sure to link that in the show notes and description and it's and it's on amazon. So anybody or book and bookshop dot com I think too. So anybody can find it. Yeah, it's everywhere. Um and I do talk more about the book because I get questions about writing a book a lot. So I want to do what I can do that. But you did touching on the confidence peace and women, which I think is so vital, even if you don't have a business, but then, you know, it's like almost like an added layer that as women, business owners, it almost has to be there for us to really be able to take our business to the levels that we want to do. So what are some ways some tips that you have for us on on ways we can feel more confident when we are showing up in our business. Yeah, So and so there are some simple ways and I love being really practical, so I'm very practical about everything. Perfect. Okay, so way number one is starting to pay attention to the language we use not only to ourself, but how we are using language out in the world, for example, how many times have you apologized just automatically for something that had nothing to do with you? Right? And so I would here's a couple of challenges for every woman out there, remove the words, I'm sorry from your vocabulary unless you did it and you're really sorry for it, just take it out. So if you're in the supermarket right? And you know how like you're going down the aisle and some other person is coming down the aisle right? And you're like, oh I'm sorry, just knock it out just like zip it, right, try that and see what happens when you're trying to you know, show sympathy or empathy to somebody. Instead you can say, wow, I'm really sad about that because then you're really owning the the energetic and the emotional quality of it. But when we say, oh I'm sorry and we really had nothing to do with it, What we're learning to do is apologize for our existence and we should never apologize for our existence. So, so replacing I'm sorry with I'm sad when it's appropriate, right? Like I'm sad, I'm sad, your cat got run over, I'm sad about your job loss, I'm sad about this, you're empathizing with someone and then you're with them in the same space rather than kind of being a little condescending, saying, oh I'm sorry that that happened to you, so glad it didn't happen to me. So that's the implication when you're saying this.

It's so interesting because I don't know if, you know, I'm a high school Spanish teacher also, so I speak Spanish. Spanish doesn't have that they have specific words for each of those things that you just said. So like if you're, if you're passing some in the grocery store, you know, it's, it's one form of like an excuse me type deal. Um but I'm sorry, it's saved for things that you are owning that. Um what's the word? Um you know what's happening? But you are literally apologizing versus like if someone passed away, there's a different word and so I feel like I'm a little bit more in tune with that just from learning that language I have found myself like using the english equivalent of that versus I'm sorry and then it really sticks out to me when other people say I'm sorry, like I have a family member who apologizes for everything and it drives me crazy and I'm like girl like do not apart like this is I'm sorry and it's so interesting because I definitely think it's also a very cultural thing for us here in the United States or even like as English speakers.

Maybe as english speakers because I also speak Italian and in Italian it's very different. You don't you say excuse me, you wouldn't say I'm sorry and you know this culture, I mean we really have, you know, I'm gonna knock the patriarchy for a minute because it's not just women, it's all of us have suffered under this idea that we're not enough and and in order to keep the patriarchy in place, we have to think that we're not enough because then we work harder to buy more things to make us feel better and that keeps capitalism going. Alright, so it's tied with money and economics, but it's this idea that now hang on a minute, what would happen if I actually felt like I was enough right, I didn't I don't need to apologize for my very existence or I don't need to apologize, you know, automatically so automatic. Okay, so that's one tip. Yeah. Alright so the second tip is removed the word but and substitute and so think about this. So think of what's a sentence where you you what's something that's happened in the last week to you, I'm going to use you as an example because you're here. What's something that's happened in the last week where you were like oh I couldn't do this because or I couldn't do this but or I thought about this but give me a sentence or something that's happened.

Um I was going to do a podcast interview last night but I had jury duty.

Okay. So now so now say the same sentence but substitute and for but I was going to do a podcast interview last night and I had jury duty.

Okay. So what's the difference in the feeling when you said those two? Did you notice? And I know I'm putting you on the spot owning it.

That you're you're taking responsibility for it. Yeah. Which felt tighter or more constricted and like you had less control over your own life definitely. Yeah. Right? So when we substitute and we're actually stepping into the power role in our own lives and we also can see more options, right? We don't have to say it's not an either or it's Oh right. And this happened and then we get to choose what's the action I want to take next. Right? Like lots of things happen all at once. So there's there's the second language piece so that will also change. Alright. So we have a substitute. I'm sad for I'm sorry substitute and for but and then the third one is completely removed the word just from your entire vocabulary because just it really is. Yeah. it's been there. Yeah. And I don't recommend people trying to do this all three at once, right? Give yourself a couple of weeks of one pick one and just practice because the more you notice it, the more you will be surprised at how often it pops up and particularly the I'm sorry one that's that's a big one and just right, oh I just I just did this or I just wanted to know, I just wanted to send you this. I just wanted to tell you take just out Yeah, because such a minimize er of our power, our um gosh, yeah, the words are just right there.

It is right. Yeah. And your accomplishments, I mean I so I ran my first and only uh marathon a couple weekends ago and it was the Disney World Marathon and I don't know if you're familiar with it, but they have the marathon, but if you do the 5K, the 10-K, the half and the full, like all in separate days they call that will be, well a lot of people do the Dopey Challenge, which I think is insane, like kudos to them, they're crazy. Crazy cool. Not not anything that is necessarily on my bucket list, but um so I got in the habit then because so many people I knew were doing the dopey that they were like what are you running? And like I'm just doing the half and it was and it just really like, and so then I would use that in conversations with them and then I caught myself in conversations with people who didn't even know what the Dopey was and we're assuming the marathon was the biggest distance saying, well, I'm just doing the marathon, and they're like, what do you mean doing the marathon? And they were calling me out on it, which I was appreciated of because then it was, you know, in my mind, it was just making this huge thing for me, like, not as big of a deal. So I totally get that. I caught myself like, I need to stop doing that!

That's a good catch and congratulations on running a marathon, because I I will never do anything like that. So, I'm in awe of that girl. I'm hoping I have toenails after this, It was an experience, but it's checked off and like I said, we don't we don't need to do that again. Seriously, some serious kudos for that, because that takes a lot of training. I have friends who run and do marathons and half marathons and there I've seen the training that goes into it. So yeah, so some applause you know that one, it was definitely something, especially since I'm growing a business, I'm like, that gets to be one season. So that was, you know, july through december, and now I'm like, now I get to go back to my business, really being able to vote because it's a whole, you know, you take a whole day a week just to run. Yeah, it's a lot. So I'm curious, can I ask you a question about that? What's the lesson or what are the top two things that you learned in, in training and, and running the marathon and completing it? That, you know, you're pulling directly into your business? That's a great one. We can pass that one up. Yeah. Gosh, so many things. Honestly, one of the biggest things that for me came out of it was, I don't necessarily need to do things just because like, I want to check them off or, you know, it was almost like an energy thing for me. Like, I mean, I'm not even kidding you, my training for this was rough and there were a lot. I did not enjoy it. Like a lot of people are like, oh, just enjoy it. I enjoyed maybe 10% of it. And so looking back on it, yes, it's an amazing fee and, you know, I'm glad I did it and it's done with, but I don't know if it was really like worth the amount of energy and stress and time. And so I kind of wish I would have listened to my body more and either put it off a little bit longer, you know, or done it when a time when maybe I would have enjoyed it more. Um, so that, that was kind of a hard one for me, but also my big, my big takeaway is that I can do hard things. So, you know, it's, it's a huge mental game and there's, your business is a huge mental game too. You know, you're gonna have days where you feel like not showing up or where you're like, I don't know if this is actually gonna pay off, but I do have a training plan and it says it's gonna work and I'm gonna stick with it the best I can and there are days when I don't or I get sick or things don't happen and you know, and you modify and tweak and you're still able to get the outcome, even if it's not as fast as you wanted to get there. Like I still got through the 26.2 and it's the same one who ran it and half the time I did, you know? So I think that was a big take away from my business to like those two things. And the first one, even though it sounded negative when you were talking about it, it really is a positive because the flip side of looking at it is, oh right. I can pay attention to what my body is telling me and I can trust what my body is telling me and if I'm getting the feeling that I ought to take a break, I probably should take a break and come back fresh. Yeah, more rested. Yes. I'm curious. Do you know your human design? I have no idea all about energy and all the things I know. Well I work with the akashic energy and you know, I've had so many people over the years. Tell me, oh, you're, what's the, what's the other one where they always give you a number? Um and Graham, right, but I've had people tell me I'm five different angiogram numbers. I'm like, okay, I don't know any of them. Um yeah, I don't know human design. There's just so many, there's so many different traditions. There is, yeah, because I know you only have one because it takes an account like your birthday. Yeah, often do a thing because you can find it out for free just because I'm a projector, one means that I like to coach and guide. So I'm kind of curious. That's what you are maybe as well. Um but two is, we really recharge during like we need the rest periods and we need like more of it than normal people or like the other people, I should say others. Yes. And that came up for me a lot in the marathon training. Um like I was working with one of my friends who is a spiritual coach and we're talking about that how like projectors aren't usually endurance runners, like they're usually so she's like, your energy is probably going to be feeling super offer a lot and she was so right, like that energy with, you know the type of person that I am, I'm like that makes so much sense well and I have one for you. Do you know your spark A type? No, I don't. Okay, what is this? So this is a fantastic, it's fantastic. Um and there is a free, I'll send you the link and you can post it to, there's a free um very short questionnaire but it's based in these 10 archetypes that Jonathan fields um who has developed a lot of positive psychology came up with and they're called the sparkle types and they go from that, there's 10 of them, they go from the range of totally service oriented to totally process and outcome oriented and so like for instance I'm sage advisor, which is exactly, I mean coaching and like to know everything. So I learn lots and then I share it out with everyone I work with and and it's a really fascinating um thing to apply, especially if you're looking at work. It's really useful because you can and it will work. It's not, it's not, you don't have to like do angiogram or spark a type or human design. It's useful to have this information from all of them and and you know what chakra systems and whatever. Astrology you're using and whatever oracle cards, arturo because you're going to connect, you know, we each connect with the information system that works best for us and if we limit ourselves to one vocabulary, we're really limiting the capacity to understand the world through different perspectives, which is part of what we're here to do. So right. So I'm curious when clients come to you for the first time and you're kind of, if they're completely unfamiliar with the energy world where you kind of get started with them, you have a certain place. Well, it depends on why they're coming to me. If they're coming for a healing or akashic energy session, um then they probably have a little bit of sense of what energy work is. If they're coming to me for coaching, then the energy work just gets folded into the coaching work we're doing. It's not a specific call out, but I do pull like I have an oracle deck that I use and I pull a card for each client right before each session and it never fails that it's exactly the topic that they bring up, right? But I don't mention it until the end. I'm like here's the card, right? Um Yeah and the the energy work for me, it's always been information that just is there. And it took me a long time till my probably my mid twenties to realize not everybody gets this information. Like it's it is there for everyone, but not everybody has gotten themselves out of the way or tuned in or really has trusted it. I think, I think as little kids, we often know a lot and then we get told, oh you can't possibly know that or that's made up or that's your just your imagination. And I think it's a real shame because what we've done is we've cut ourselves off from a lot of information that is actually existent that happily now quantum physics is saying, oh yeah, no this is this is real. Like the universe is conscious. Do you think that also affects our intuition? Yes. I think when we when we start to limit ourselves, we tell ourselves, oh I can't do that right? It's like it's like how a lot of people say, oh I can't draw. And I'm like I can guarantee you I could get you to draw a chair in five minutes that you'd be happy with. And they're like no I can't. And then you teach them, here's the three steps right? Here's how you see in a different way and they draw the chair. I actually got free free a free dental visit one time because I bet my dentist, he said I can't I can't draw. And I said if I can get you to draw that chair, will you give me a free visit this time? And he's like yeah, that'll never happen. And it did. But but it's really about like when we open ourselves up to what we are actually capable of and we are capable of so much more than we, you know, we have been told or we we, you know, we're told that that all of the, you know that this is the self, I mean there's there's a whole lot. So another Yeah, but but it's really about, you know, and to take it back to being very practical, you know, when we start to think of ourselves as being unlimited and eternal and whole and think about, you know, how when we approach ourselves that way and we get to know ourselves from that level of like I am unlimited, eternal and whole. I love that, wow, okay, now, what do I want to create? Yeah, I've used the word hole in my affirmations for probably the past six months or so and it's really powerful. Yeah, yeah. And like, so I, and I never even thought of doing before and I don't remember where I picked it up. Maybe maybe my spiritual friend that I was mentioning during a breath work session possibly, but it was great. I was like, that makes no sense. So much sense. Yeah, that's um that term that those three words infinite, eternal and whole come out of the yoga sutras specifically. And so it's a it's a really old idea, right? But it's a reminder that, you know, we're not broken, we have the answers, but mostly we've just been told, oh we're not, we need more, we need this or we need that or we have to change or we have to do this or do that and that's really not true and especially, you know, again, going back to like, this whole our whole culture teaches women that were less than and we're always trying to have, you know, we always are set up to compare ourselves not only to everyone else, but particularly we compare ourselves to other women and when we see ourselves as a sisterhood and help raise each other up and we could take over the world, my gosh, I love that. I feel like that's just that's a great place to go ahead and pause for today because like, I need to stop and rewind that because we can't take over the world. Um I feel like that needs to be part of my mission statement now because I'm like, oh, I love that. Like, just powering. And I find myself saying that so much to my coaching clients too, and when we're working through something is like to try to get them to find that answer that I know they already know or something like I already know what I should do, and I'm like, well what do you think that what do you think that next step could look like? Um and I remember hearing that from a coach for the first time a few years ago and kind of almost hating it because I'm like that for, you know? And then I got used to it because I'm like, she's so right. I do know, you know I do know what I need to do next doing it and finding that confidence to do it? Like you mentioned, you know, and I really feel like that is a huge, huge, huge part of what is holding so many of us back from that next level from that, that top level of ourselves is the confidence in ourselves and in our dreams and what, you know, our abilities really are. Yeah. And also it's easy to get stuck. You know, a lot of clients get stuck up in the thinking like what if in case of right, what if in case of this, what if this happens, what if that? And I'm like, no, hang on, what does your heart want? Because it's really easy for the mind to be like a puppy and go everywhere and when you bring it back down and you just check in and say, okay, wait, okay, I have all these great ideas and this is where I want my business to go and this is how I want to approach it. And this is, you know, how I'm excited about it, but okay, what does my heart want first? And then what's the first physical action I need to take? And when we bring it back to that, it becomes a lot easier not only to see, oh right, what's going to be in alignment for me, but also it makes it much easier to know like, okay, so what is the first physical action? Do I need to make a phone call? Do I need to make a note? Do I have to email someone and then what's the next physical action? It's so easy to get lost and like, okay, I gotta do quarterly planning, and I have this white board and it's, you know, got 10 million projects on it and I don't know where to start and they're all really important. Okay, hang on, what's my, where does my heart want first and whatever that is, that becomes the goal I'm aiming towards, and then, okay, what's literally the first physical thing I have to do, first physical thing, I have to do that. Always physical. That's the key, because it's so easy to think, oh, I need to do this. Okay, well, what's the first physical thing that will get you closer to that? Yeah, that's good questions. Oh my gosh, guys, so you definitely need to save this episode and re listen to it talk or you find yourself going back and using those words that we learned are not helping us with our confidence. They're not helping us stand into our true power. Um so how can everyone connect with you? And I'll put all this in the show notes, so everyone can find you, but tell us all the places and all the things? Yeah, so you can connect with me on my website at an Unstoppable Life dot com. You can also pick up a copy of the book through there. And there's a blog if you feel like reading. And there's also some free guided meditation downloads and lots of cool stuff. If you sign up for my newsletter, um you can also follow me on facebook and instagram at an Unstoppable Life. And if you're a video into videos, there's a bunch of videos on Youtube and https://www.anUnstoppableLife.com. So this has been such a pleasure Lindsay. You're just, I love your energy.

Yeah. I feel like we could have talked Hours and hours and I like to keep these around 30 minutes for our listeners, but we might need to have you back on the show to talk. I feel like we've talked about 10 different things with energy. We still didn't talk about the process for writing your book. So, um, I will have to send you an email and we'll do a follow up maybe. Yeah, I would love to do that. That would be really fun. And for all those burgeoning writers out there, um, I can kind of demystify it. Yes, I would love that well, and it's so, it's so interesting because I've had a few other women who have written books on and everyone's story is a little bit different. Another thing I like to ask people because I know just from what I've heard, I've never heard anyone say that they write have written a book and gotten it published the same way. So I'm like I'd like to, you know, I never planned on writing 12. Yeah. Even better, awesome. Well thank you so much and make sure that you're listening to this or watching this, that you take a screenshot shared on your socials and tag both of us and we would love to connect with you. So thank you so much. And that's a wrap on today's episode. I hope you're leaving today inspired Princess to create own and spread your magic to the world. If you found by you in this episode or no, a girlfriend who needs to hear it, would you screenshot it and send it to her and if you're feeling really generous, pop it up on your IG Stories and tag me at Lindsay Dollinger so I can see you loved it. And tell you thank you. I appreciate you. Now let's go do some amazing things. Bye bye.

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