Don't Be the Best-Kept Secret: How to Get Noticed with PR with Dina Behrman

alignment audience client success dream business entrepreneur growth podcast pr priorities side hustle social media visibility Jun 19, 2023

In this episode of the Purpose and Pixie Dust podcast, host Lindsay Dollinger interviews Dina Berman, a PR strategist, about her journey and how to get started with PR. They discuss the importance of mindset, getting visible, and the different avenues for PR such as online publications, print, and podcasts. Berman advises listeners on how to approach PR and achieve their goals, emphasizing the importance of quick wins and following up after pitching to the press. She also shares her morning routine and recommends resources for personal growth. The episode provides valuable insights for those who are new to PR and looking to get started & visible for more clients!

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Lindsay (00:00:00) - Hey girl. Welcome to the Purpose and Pixie Dust podcast. The podcast where we dive deep into our passions, our purpose, and really unlock our potential With the pixie dust thrown in, what is pixie dust? You might ask. It's the fun and joy that gets unlocked when you're creating and owning your magic. I'm Lindsay Dollinger, dog mama, Disney lover and high school Spanish teacher who has used my magic to grow my businesses while also working full-time. I'm on a mission to help other women create and own your magic by building not only the business of your dreams, but also the life of your dreams while still juggling life, your full-time job and all the things. So if you want more than this provincial life, let's use our glass slippers to break those glass ceilings and sprinkle lots of pixie dust into our lives and businesses. Let's do this.

Lindsay (00:00:50) - Hello. Hello. Welcome back to The Purpose in Pixie Dust podcast. My name is Lindsay Dollinger and I am so excited to be here today with our guest. She is a PR strategist and her name is Dina Berman. So Dina, welcome to the show. Thank you so much for being here.

Dina (00:01:05) - Thank you so much for having me. Very excited to be here.

Lindsay (00:01:08) - Yes, and we are across the globe. So Dina, where are you coming in from today?

Dina (00:01:12) - I am in London, uk. So, um, yeah, I work with clients globally and very, um, pleased to have the means to be able to co connect with people all over the world. Mm-hmm.

Lindsay (00:01:24) - , I know, it's really awesome, isn't it? Like just to think we had this ability to do this pre covid, but I feel like it has just expanded so much more since that, which has been a real blessing for everyone, I think. Yeah. Um, I'll actually be in London in a week. Um, we'll be landing in a week for a couple days, so yeah, I'm like super excited to go back and visit. Awesome. Yeah. So Dina, tell us a little bit about you. How did you start doing what you're doing? How did you get to doing what you're doing? And we'll go from there.

Dina (00:01:50) - Um, yeah, so I started out as a journalist, um, and I did that for about 10 years. And I initially, uh, launched my business as a side hustle and I was doing kind of copywriting and pr. Um, and I found that there was a bit of a gap in the market for business owners that weren't ready to hire a full-blown PR agency to outsource their PR to. Um, and so I started focusing on, um, coaching people in PR and doing PR courses and programs to teach and empower entrepreneurs to do their own PR and to get featured in the press. And so, um, I've got two children and after my elders was born, um, I sort of had a bit of time off, came back to work, this was around 2015. And I, um, I just had this renewed sense of purpose and I had been doing my business, as I said, as a side hustle, and I really felt like it was time to go all in on my business. Um, and I'd had enough of the journalism, like it had been amazing, but I felt like I'd done 10 years of that and it was ready to move to the next thing. And so I started focusing on my business, um, as a full-time business. Um, and things just started to grow from there. Um, and getting myself out there and getting visible was a big part of that in those early stages.

Lindsay (00:03:13) - Absolutely. So would you mind sharing with us a little bit of how did you do that? Was it mainly social media? Was it networking? What was kind of your strategy on getting visible?

Dina (00:03:23) - Um, I think the first thing was really sort of having a mindset shift around seeing myself as an expert and not being scared to put myself out there because I'm more of a natural introvert. And so it definitely didn't come naturally to me to feel like, oh, I'm just gonna go and tell everyone about my business and put myself out there. Um, but I really had got myself, um, into a situation with my business where I was really playing small and I wasn't putting myself out there. And that ended up with me kind of just taking on work from whoever kind of came to me. And I ended up feeling very kind of overstretched because I was undercharging and was taking on, you know, non-ideal clients. And I just realized something had to change. Um, and as I said, it was kind of like after I'd had my ELD daughter, I had this sort of, um, renewed sense of purpose and I really wanted to be able to put myself out there and, and get my business out there and, and make it a success.

Dina (00:04:22) - And so I started, first of all really changing my mindset around seeing myself as an expert and also the idea of putting myself out there and knowing that, you know, it doesn't have to be about being salesy and pushy and that kind of thing, actually you can show up and share value and be of service and you get to help people that way. So I started actually pitching myself to different publications because I'd been doing it for my clients, but I just hadn't done it for myself. Um, and I know that I think that happens a lot where we are good at helping other people to do things, but we don't always even think to do it for ourselves or we put ourselves at the bottom of the list. Um, and so I started, um, I got featured in places like Forbes and Entrepreneur Magazine and Huffington Pose, and I just started really putting myself out there, getting featured, building up that kind of credibility and expert status, and then getting myself out onto different podcasts and things like that. Um, which really helped me to grow my business, um, to become more known, to have that credibility part, but also to get in front of new, um, audiences and, and bringing clients that way.

Lindsay (00:05:31) - I love that. So I'm curious with the mindset, because there's so much of what you just shared that I personally have experienced and my client's experience as well. Was there some like turning point for you? Like when, when did you just wake up and be like, okay, I need to work on my mindset because I am capable of doing this thing and it's, you know, why am I not doing it?

Dina (00:05:51) - Yeah. Um, I had been working with a business coach and she had said something to me around like, what are you, what resource do you have that you are not fully using? And it was just like this wake up call, it was almost like I needed someone to say to me like, you know, I was here helping people to get more visible and get featured, but I wasn't doing it for myself. And it was like, I didn't see that as something for me. And I think sometimes, um, people have that. I know I speak to people and they're like, I feel like it's for other people. PR is for other people. PR is for people that are already super well known or they have a really large following. Um, and so I think that probably was at the back of my mind that, well, it's not really for me.

Dina (00:06:31) - Um, and when she said that, it was kind of like, this is crazy because I know how to do this and I'm just as worthy of getting publicity as anyone else. Um, and I think that was probably the moment where I was like, I need to start seeing this in a different way and realizing that why isn't it for me? Like I have value to share, you know, I have stories, I have expertise, I have wisdom, um, and I've, I've gotta be making use of this for myself as well and thinking about the people that I want to reach and the people that I want to serve. You know, sometimes when we make it all about us, it can feel really uncomfortable with the idea of like self-promotion, but actually when you think about those people that you want to reach and to show up for, then you have to put yourself out there. They're not just going to randomly find you.

Lindsay (00:07:23) - Yeah. I think that's the hardest thing is not being the best kept secret. And I've, I've heard that someone, I, I don't even remember where I heard that. And it has been in the back of my mind since then, uh, for a while. So I'm like, I always tell myself when I'm getting nervous about pitching myself or putting myself out there, like, don't be the best kept secret because you are gonna help someone, just like you said, like you are worthy of doing the things. Like just do it. Just do it. Um, okay. So I feel like a lot of my audience probably has not even dipped their toe into the realm of pr. So in, we're, we're taping this in 2023. In 2023, what are some good places to start for pr? Is it online publications in print? Um, does it kind of depend on your niche podcast? What does that kind of look like? If someone was coming to you to work with you for the first time and is like, I'm clueless, what is this?

Dina (00:08:13) - Yeah, so I would say look at kind of what you want to achieve with pr, um, because you can use it as a really good way to, um, become the expert in your field to build up, build up your credibility. So I worked with one woman who she, you know, she was doing well in her business, um, and she was on social media a lot, but she just really wanted specifically that credibility piece. And so we, um, focused on those publications that have the very, um, sort of recognizable publications that are seen as being very credible because then you get the third party endorsement from being associated with those media outlets. So start thinking about like, what's your main focus? Why would you want to get publicity? Um, and is it something where you want to be seen as an expert or some really good ways to be seen as an expert are writing guest articles where you are the expert and you're sharing your knowledge, you're sharing your tips and advice, um, or being interviewed on a podcast where you get to share some of your knowledge.

Dina (00:09:22) - So start by thinking like, what do you want to achieve through publicity? And then you can reverse engineer it and think about, well, what are the PR activities that are going to help me to achieve those things? Um, but in terms of just getting started, I love having quick wins because I think that PR can feel like this really big thing and it's gonna take ages and it doesn't have to be the case at all. So something like, um, just starting pitching to podcasts and even if it's pitching to, uh, people that are in your network who have their own podcasts, that's gonna get you some great experience and then you can use that, you can start pitching to bigger and more well-known podcasts because you will have had that experience already. So just starting to think like, what, what would be something simple that I could get started with, whether it's pitching to a podcast, submitting a guest article or a guest blog post. Um, and again, there may be, you know, someone in your network who has a blog and that could just be, if you've never done any kind of PR before, that could be a really great place to start just to try out writing and, you know, start building up like those pieces of, of coverage that you can then use and share with other places and say, okay, I've written this for this blog, I'd love to write something for yours.

Lindsay (00:10:43) - Yeah, that's great. So do you recommend to your clients that they already have like their own website or do you ever work with people who maybe they just have a social media channel and that's like the front facing part of their brand?

Dina (00:10:56) - Yeah, I mean, you ideally want somewhere that you can send, um, the readers or the listeners or the people that are, um, seeing you in the press. It doesn't have to be, um, a website. I did have a client who didn't have a website and she got featured in tons of media. She was in, um, like national newspapers, magazines, blogs, um, and she had I think a freebie that people could sign up for that was just hosted on its own kind of page. It wasn't a proper website. Um, so you just wanna think about how can you bring the people that you are getting in front of into your world. So one lady I worked with, she was really, um, active on Instagram and she had a piece in, I think it was Cosmopolitan Magazine and they shared it on their Instagram and tagged her and she got a thousand new Instagram followers just from being tagged, um, when this story came up.

Dina (00:11:57) - But it made sense for her because she was very active on Instagram. So that was a great place for people to come to. I had another lady that, um, she had a Facebook group that was very active and so when she had an online article, it mentioned the Facebook group in there. And as a result of that, she doubled her Facebook group in like 48 hours. She brought in $12,000 worth of sales from these people joining her Facebook group. Um, but again, it made sense for her because that was the place where she liked to show up. So just think about if you don't have a website, where's the place that you like to show up where it would make sense to invite people to, to come and follow you and you know, get to know you better.

Lindsay (00:12:40) - That's great. Yeah, because I feel like there's so many times that, um, even when I have guests on my show, they don't have anywhere for me to send people. They're, I'm like, well, how can you know, I always ask that question at the very end of the podcast, how can everyone connect with you? Where can they find you? Yeah. And they're like, oh, you can go to my Instagram, I guess . I'm like, no. Like have like some sort of plan where we can send people, whether it is something that you pay for, like a website or you know, your freebie. I think a freebie is great depending on your, um, audience and what really makes sense, like you said. But yeah, having some , some idea where you can send people so they can find you and follow up afterwards. Yeah. Cause you know,

Dina (00:13:15) - It's something you wanna continue the conversation. So yeah, if they're hearing you like being interviewed on a podcast or whatever it is, reading your article, I had a lady who reached out to me, um, fairly recently after hearing me on a podcast and she was like, you know, I was driving in my car and I was listening to your podcast. Oh, it wasn't my podcast. I was being interviewed, I was listening to you being interviewed. And she was like, I just knew that I wanted to work with you. And so she then went and like looked on my website and booked a call with me. So you just wanna have some way that you can continue the relationship and bring those people into your world, whether it, and it, it can be like social media, like the place where it makes the most sense for you, where you like to hang out, but like you say, you want it to be somewhere like specific that you can tell them, okay, this is the place.

Lindsay (00:14:04) - Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. Okay, let's talk super quickly about pitching because I feel like this is the part where a, a lot of us get in our heads. What are a couple tips that you have for writing that pitch to send out to be publicized or you know, to pitch yourself to be in a magazine podcast, et cetera?

Dina (00:14:22) - Um, I think when you are pitching it is gonna be slightly different depending on which type of media you are pitching, whether it's a podcast or a magazine or whatever. Um, so I think the biggest piece of advice I can give you is to, um, is to think about the place that you are pitching and think about what would be a great fit for them. Because I think if you can offer them something where they can almost imagine, so say you are like pitching a magazine and you pitch a really great feature idea, if that journalist can almost visualize seeing that feature in their magazine, they're gonna be much more likely to say yes. So if you can try wherever you are pitching to pitch something that just feels like it would be a really great fit for that specific place, then you're gonna have a much higher chance of the person saying yes.

Dina (00:15:16) - Because journalists in general, um, and podcast hosts as well, you know, they're being inundated with emails and they're super, super busy. So anything you can do that's gonna make their job easier is going to make your chances of success, success much higher. Um, and also if you are almost doing as much of the work for them as possible. So if you are making it so that they can, you know, if the journalist is gonna go and speak to their editor and say, oh, we've got this idea for a feature, well if they can visualize it in the magazine because you're offering something that is such a great fit for them, then it just makes their job so much easier. They can go to their editor and say, oh, this would, you know, fit really well with what we're doing and this would go in, you know, this section and I can see how this would work. Um, so you wanna be as much as possible kind of providing that for them.

Lindsay (00:16:04) - Love that. Love that. Um, now once you do your interview, write your guest blog post whatever it is that you are doing, is that kind of the end of that relationship or do you suggest to your clients like to do something else follow up? Um, is, you know, what, what's kind of your strategy there?

Dina (00:16:25) - Yeah, that's such a great question cuz I think so many people feel like that's the end and like, oh, I've done it and that's it and I'm just gonna wait and see what happens and hope for the best. Um, yeah, I do recommend following up. Um, and that's something that I always help my clients to do cuz you don't wanna feel like you're being pushy or needy or desperate or anything like that. So definitely like following up and when you are, um, confident in your pitch, then you can be confident that when you're following up, you know, you've offered them something great and so you are just checking to see like, I know that this is gonna be a great fit for you. Like, are you gonna be interested in this? And there's nothing wrong with doing that, you're not like sort of convincing or persuading.

Dina (00:17:07) - It really is just knowing that, um, life gets busy for all of us and we miss, you know what it's like when your inbox is busy and like, we miss things, don't we? And like, so sometimes the email's been overlooked or they um, were out of the office or they were off sick or whatever. So, um, absolutely follow up but make sure that you're very confident in the pitch that you've sent so that you know that you are not having to kind of, um, persuade them. It really is just like following up where you interested in this. Um, and then in terms of like, is that the end of the relationship? Actually, you know, when the article or the interview comes out, you can get in touch with that person and, and thank them for having you or featuring you or whatever and just keep that relationship going because then, um, often there are gonna be opportunities in the future where, you know, they might want you to come back on, um, say you've been interviewed for a TV news program, they need guests, they, they need experts.

Dina (00:18:04) - And so if they've had you on once, chances are they gonna want you to come back again. So like keep that relationship going. It's the same with if you've been interviewed on the radio. I used to do, um, a thing on my local radio station, um, cause we have the B BBC here in the UK and they have lots of different local radio stations and they would get me to come back on, um, because it's just easier for them to use someone that they've used before. So you wanna keep that relationship going again, if it's like an article you can pitch 'em something new.

Lindsay (00:18:34) - Love that. I love that. And I never even thought about radio. radio is just like completely over my head. Cause I, I don't, I don't listen a ton anymore cuz I listen to podcasts a lot when I drive. Yeah. Um, but yeah, that's another, another, um, yeah

Dina (00:18:47) - And it's not a million miles away from a podcast, but it's just like, it means that it's getting out to, you know, different audiences.

Lindsay (00:18:54) - Yeah. Yeah. I love that. Absolutely. Love that. Um, so how, if someone reached out to you right now and was like, Dina, I would like to work with you, explain kind of what that process looks like to our listeners because hopefully there will be some of them reaching out to you. So do you, is it done for you? Is, are you doing more strategy? What does that look like?

Dina (00:19:13) - Yeah, so the way that I'm working with clients at the moment is I have a group program, um, called PR Power and that takes you through the process of everything that you need to know to pitch the press and to be featured and then how to leverage that media coverage to actually grow your business as well. Um, so that's a program with prerecorded modules and we have, um, live q and a calls so that you can get that feedback and get your questions answered. Um, and then I also have options for one-to-one, um, where I do like a done with you. So I'm working really closely with you to help you get featured. Um, and it's the closest thing to sort of having me on your team. Um, but I'm still empowering you to understand how to do the PR yourself. Some of my clients, they get maybe a VA on board if they have a VA or a team member that they're already working with.

Dina (00:20:02) - Um, but I'm all about, you know, making it easy and simple so that you can fit it into your schedule. Cause I know that we're all so busy and the thing that puts a lot of people off is thinking, I don't have the time for this. And so that's why I love starting like I mentioned like with the quick wins, really making it something that you can do and go out there and get that consistent media coverage so that it's working for you as well. Because once you get featured in the press, um, I had someone contact me the other week who found me via an article that I did for Forbes over two years ago. So once you put in that effort and proactively pitch the press and get yourself out there, it's gonna keep paying off for you. It's gonna be out there for people to find for years to come. Um, but it is about just like fitting it into your schedule and making it simple.

Lindsay (00:20:52) - Yeah, that makes sense. Um, I used to work with a coach and she, I think it was Thursdays, like every day of the week had a different theme and Thursdays was her like PR pitch day. And so she was like, make it make it part of your business to do that every week. And I did it for a while and I have been bad about it recently and I'm like, oh, I need to get back to my Thursdays pitching and PR just to make sure because it's like you said, we do it for other people's businesses and it's so easy to put your own business to the back burner, but this is such a huge part of it to get more visible, get that credibility, get more clients

Dina (00:21:24) - Other things. Yeah. And it, and it's always worth it. Like it always pays off and you don't ever know, like, which are going to be, sometimes you'll have a piece and it'll go viral or you know, you'll have one and you get oh, 10 people breaking discovery calls or, or whatever it is. So it's just worth doing it on a consistent basis because then you give yourself the best chance of having those different results. It's always going to be working in your favor. There's gonna be something positive that happens like every time you get featured. Um, and I love that idea of like literally like blocking the time out and saying like, Thursday is the day I'm going to spend time on it. Um, because it will pay off.

Lindsay (00:22:01) - Yeah. You have to make a part of your strategy and I like that you said that too. You never know which one's gonna be your, like your big one. Like that's gonna be more successful because I made like, I promise myself very early in my business that even if it was a podcast that was just getting started, like it didn't really matter and I got asked to be a guest on it, I was gonna say yes because I'm like, there is no bad PR Yeah. As they say. And I'm like, why not? And I also remember appreciating when I was still very much a small podcast and starting out when, you know, I, I was reaching out to people to be guests on my show and some of them would say no, that, you know, my show wasn't big enough or blah blah. And that was very hurtful and I'm like, Hey, you know what? Because this is long term and I still have people going back and finding people from episodes like you said two, three years ago because it's Yeah. It's out there forever. And I'm like, you never, like you missed your chance .

Dina (00:22:57) - I mean it's mean as long as it feels aligned. Like if it's cause whatever, if it feels aligned, then absolutely do it and it's you, you don't know which of the ones that are going to take off. And like you say, sometimes actually it's good going on the earlier ones because then they have a longer life. Yeah. You know, they're like out there for a really long time and people can find them. Yeah, absolutely. Um, I had a client that was on a podcast that didn't have a huge following, but it just so happened that a TV producer was listening to that podcast and contacted her, um, for it was a big, uh, network here in the UK and wanted to talk to her about like, uh, you know, investigating a whole new TV series based around what she did. And you would never have guessed that that would've come from that particular podcast because you just dunno who's listening

Lindsay (00:23:44) - Mm-hmm. . Yeah. Yeah. And they can pull something really small outta what you said and make a connection. Yeah. You never know. So I love that so much. Okay. Before we tell everyone how to connect with you, where to follow you, all the things I like to ask a couple rapid fire questions at the end to my guests. So no pressure, they're super easy. Um, morning routine, nightly routine. Do you do neither? Both. What is, what's, what's your jam?

Dina (00:24:07) - Yeah, so morning routine. Um, I don't do it all the time, but when I do it I have a five minute journal, which is where you write, um, like what you are grateful for that day and then three things that would make today great. So it really gets you to focus on, it's like the gratitude part, which I think is just so important. But also it's like what's your kind of focus for the day that you want to make sure you achieve. And sometimes it can literally be things like drink more water or move my body, but you know, just making sure that you are having that focus to make your day the best that it can be. So I love doing the five minute journal in the morning, depending on how much time I have. Sometimes I do kind of longer journaling sessions. Um, sometimes I do a bit of e f t tapping and I'll just like find different videos on YouTube. I love Brad Yates. I dunno if you've heard of him. He does. No, he does tapping videos. Um,

Lindsay (00:25:00) - Awesome.

Dina (00:25:01) - Like every subject you could think of. And so it's tapping on those different accu pressure points mm-hmm. , um, on, you know, around your, your body that's getting, it's shifting your energy but he has 'em for like all different subjects so you can do them on whatever's coming up for you. Um, so I like to do them. I

Lindsay (00:25:19) - Love that.

Dina (00:25:20) - And um, evening routine I probably don't do as much like, um, in the Five minute Journal. It does have a space where you can write like three amazing things that happen today. So sometimes I'll do that, um mm-hmm. , just have that reflection, um, kind of on the day. But I'm definitely more of a morning person. I love to get up in the morning, especially if my kids are still asleep and I can get up and like get some stuff done and like have my coffee and do a bit of journaling.

Lindsay (00:25:46) - Yeah. Yeah. I love that. Um, I'm definitely gonna have to start adding the tapping and I don't even know why I never thought about pulling up YouTube videos and tapping. So I'll have to look up Brad Gates. Um, yeah. Awesome. Favorite personal development book or business development book or maybe what you're currently reading because I know it's hard to pick a favorite sometimes.

Dina (00:26:05) - Um, so at the moment I'm rereading, um, Jen Sincero. You Are a Badass. Mm-hmm. . Um, which I know is such a popular one, but I read it a few years ago and then my friend was reading it and kept like reading out passages to me and I was like, I think I need to reread this , um, because I'd forgotten a lot of it. So I'm reading that, which is just amazing because she writes in such a fun, lighthearted way and sometimes I think that, um, I love self-development boots, but sometimes they can feel a little bit heavy and I think she does it in such a fun light way. Um, so I love that one. And then my other all-time favorite is Think and Grow Rich cause I just think it's so timeless and there's like, I've reread that there was also a film that came out around that. Um, and that was great because I watched it with my husband who isn't necessarily into self-development and it just really made it very accessible. Um, and so I love that because it has the actual like real life examples from, you know, successful business owners. And I love seeing what other people have done to achieve success and knowing that it's possible.

Lindsay (00:27:14) - Yeah, a hundred percent. And when I realized how long ago that book was written, I was like, what Yes. I'm like, how is this possible? Yeah.

Dina (00:27:24) - It's so timeless. Like everything that you read is like, this is amazing information. It's, it doesn't feel old-fashioned at all. I think it's all, so yeah, it's also relevant now

Lindsay (00:27:35) - And some things never change. I mean some, you know, the basic principles and stuff I feel like does just doesn't change. Yeah. Um, which is spoken in that book. Okay. Last question. Favorite vacation spot that you have been to or what is on your bucket list that you would like to travel to?

Dina (00:27:50) - Ooh, that's a good question. Um, I have family out in San Francisco. Um, and I went there years ago. It must have been about, I don't know, 15 years ago or something. So I really wanna go back. Um, and I actually went round like the west coast of America. We, um, at the time hired a car. So I'd like to do something like that again and see more of the country, so. Oh,

Lindsay (00:28:16) - Very cool. Did you do just California or did you go all the way up to like Washington, Oregon,

Dina (00:28:21) - Just California. Okay. So yeah. Yeah,

Lindsay (00:28:24) - It's a big coast.

Dina (00:28:26) - Yeah. This is the thing in the uk like, you know, we are so much smaller and everything's kind of like an hour or so away, so, um, yeah. Yeah. There's there's so much to see in the States. Yeah. But, um, yeah, I'd definitely like to go back.

Lindsay (00:28:39) - Oh, that's awesome. I love that. Well thank you so much Dina. I know this has been so good for all of our listeners. So please tell us where can we connect with you and I will make sure to put all this in the show notes so people can just click in and go right to find you.

Dina (00:28:52) - Yeah, so my website is dina Um, I've got a free pitch the press guide on there, which is a really good starting point. Um, if you want to start thinking about pitching the press, it's got over 70 different story angles, um, in that guide. So you can download that from my website and then across social media, you can find me, it's Dina Barman in all the places .

Lindsay (00:29:15) - Awesome. Great. Well thank you so much Dina, for your time again, we really appreciate it.

Dina (00:29:19) - Thank you so much for having me. So welcome

Lindsay (00:29:22) - And that's a wrap on today's episode. I hope you're leaving today Inspired Princess to create own and spread your magic to the world. If you found Bayou in this episode or no, a girlfriend who needs to hear it, would you screenshot it and send it to her? And if you're feeling really generous, pop it up on your IG stories and tag me at Lindsay Dollinger so I can see you loved it and tell you thank you. I appreciate you. Now let's go do some amazing things. Bye-bye.


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