My Top Investments of 2020

direct sales personal development productivity success Dec 12, 2020

I listened to a podcast the other day and the host shared her top 10 list of investments for 2020 and I was super intrigued, and it got me thinking about my investments and how far I've come.  In no particular order, I wanted to share with you all my best investments of 2020, why I chose them, and how you could experience them, too (some of the links are affiliate links but I only share links for things I love, you know that!).

1. My Peloton.  Okay, I had seen ads about the Peloton, and honestly thought it was a just an over-priced spin bike. Enter Covid and I started seeing more friends buying them and raving about them.  I finally did a little research, bought a more comfy bike seat, and ordered my Peloton as a reward for killing it in my business in July.  I ride almost every day, and if I don't ride, I do the meditations or strength work outs.  The community is really supportive and the instructors are one-of-a-kind.  If you purchase a Peloton bike or tread, be sure to use code 8EB784 to get $100 off your accessories package! Woot!

2. Green Chef meal service.  We do the three meals a week plan and it's so nice to be able to have a home-cooked meal that I don't have to plan for.  The ingredients come already portioned (you do need to cut the veggies), and they are fresh and organic.  You can go in ahead of time and swap out recipes too, which I love.  We eat these usually Tues-Thurs evenings.

3. Kajabi. Okay, this one hurt a little when I paid for it, but I had a website that was hard to navigate and get to look how I wanted, and I was also paying for an email provider. I also knew I wanted to start building my own products, so Kajabi made sense. The help and support Kajabi provides is untouchable by other providers. It's pricey but I love my website now! Grab your free trial here:

4. Air pods. Ok, this seems silly but it's so nice to be able to be mobile while listening on a call, or going to change the laundry while on a mastermind call. These help me be even more flexible while doing tasks for my business, which I am obsessed with being flexible! Link here:

5., my podcast hosting site. I got a deal thru AppSumo (If you're not signed up for their daily deal emails, do that now).  It was a STEAL. has been amazing to work with. Super user friendly and their support gets back to you quickly and makes things right. I also upgraded to get included transcriptions and audiograms. So worth it!

6. The Boss Beauties' Branding Course/Private Coaching.  I started paying to work with Tash and Lisa of Boss Beauties in the Summer when they debuted a branding course (8 weeks then). I learned SO much about my brand and connected with the group of ladies in the program. A lot of us moved on to a six month extension of the program and I included working with Tash and Lisa one-on-one for 8 weeks. Those calls were so influential for my business. I highly recommend unleveling and working one-on-one with a coach if you can, even if it's a short period of time! 

7. Canva Pro. Creator is my brand archetype with Ruler/Royalty being a close second, so Canva is my jam. Canva is a free site to make graphics, but paying for Canva Pro allows me to use all the pics and fonts, plus features like resizing images and my personal fave new option: scheduling posts directly from Canva! Say WHAT! Plus my paid membership allows me to have four other teammates use my account for free.

8. Two Virtual Assistants. This was a huge mental shift for me to allow myself this help, but it's been so helpful. It's much more affordable than I was expecting and both my VAs have different skills that they help me with. The don't work a ton (a couple hours a week tops usually) but it help me a TON because it takes me more time to do those tasks, and now my time is free to do other things to move my business forward.  Ask around on your social media, ask for referrals, or hop onto a VA site like to find help, even if it's for a single project or a more consistent help.

9. Branded Marketing Assets. I bought these on Etsy specifically for my Color Street business, but I think getting some branding assets made like logos and such are so good for your business!

10. Six Figure Squad Mastermind. I joined a Mastermind the beginning of the year that run thru the beginning of 2021. This was not aimed at building my network marketing business as much as it was holding me accountable and helping me build my independent brand and products.  It has been a good learning experience for me! Again, invest in YOU!


Investing in YOU and YOUR BUSINESS is so worth it.  Make those goals and dreams happen, friend. I hope this list inspires you to level up and make your life that dream life! :)



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